How Much Life Insurance Cover You Need?
By: Srikant Tapadiya For many it may be a surprise question as to them Insurance is an Insurance. There are very few people in India understands the concept of “ Human Life Value ” which need to be calculated before buying any insurance policy and it is not their fault. It is observed that, when someone thinks of an insurance policy, he/she approaches any of his/her known person and end up buying a policy which may not be suitable to him/her. The reason for this mess up is, in India even the Insurance Advisor, most of the times, act as an Agent and sell something to their clients where there is a vested interest of the Agent. So, the question remains unanswered – How Much Life Insurance Cover You Need!?! The answer to this very basic question is by evaluating your Human Life Value Human Life Value (HLV): Human Life Value can be defined, in simple terms, as the Economic Value you bring into your family’s finance. In other words, it is your future ob...